As you
read these words, I am in Baltimore or getting ready to go, all set to
participate in the Whitman Coin & Collectibles Expo – always one of the
great shows of the year. Stack’s Bowers Galleries will be having multiple
dynamic auction sessions. Colonial and early American coins come to the fore,
as the Expo will be hosting the annual meeting of the Colonial Coin Collectors
Club, always a great event. As a complement to this club gathering, we will be
presenting one of the finest offerings of colonial and early American coins
ever – anchored by the Archangel Collection — with pieces ranging from
affordable state coppers of the 1780s to major rarities such as the 1787
Clinton copper. Beyond that, our currency offerings are spectacular. The Joel R.
Anderson Collection Part III features incredible rarities, many of which are
the finest known, balanced by a selection of affordable notes – all part of the
finest collection of large-sized paper money design types ever formed. The
Caine Collection of federal proofs is amazing and promises a once in a lifetime
opportunity to acquire many of the pieces offered. Other paper money is featured,
as is a marvelous selection of federal coins from half cents to double eagles,
plus commemoratives, patterns, tokens and medals. Whatever you collect, there
is certain to be something for you!
If you
plan to participate in person, your plans are already set. Otherwise, you are
warmly invited to participate in real time on the internet – just like being
here – well, not quite, because you’ll miss the camaraderie and excitement. But
on the other hand you’ll be able to focus on each item as it is offered from
the comfort of your office or home.
you for being a Stack’s Bowers friend and client.